[vc_row][vc_column][vc_ff_title el_type=”h3″ title=”Objectives”][vc_column_text]The Language Service Providers Association of Nigeria (LASPAN) is a professional association for language practice professionals in Nigeria. We are a not for-profit and non-political organization. Our aims, among others, are to provide a platform for the generally accepted practice of language services in all ramifications; to encourage, extend, increase, disseminate and promote the exchange of information and ideas in all issues relating to professional language services in Nigeria; to liaise with other similar bodies at both local and international levels for information, affiliation and support as well as to promote professional and ethical standards among members.


Membership is open to all translators, interpreters, editors, proofreaders, voice over artists, text reviewers, terminologists, copywriters and anyone else involved in the language practice industry in Nigeria. Our members work in all of the major Nigerian languages, other indigenous language and in a number of other world languages.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]